Very annoying and penetrating smell.
maandag, 20 oktober 2008
Klik hier om te bestellenWe had an awful smelling spot in our shed, just on ordinary 30x30 tiles. It was really very penetrating. I had to use UF 2000 a few times, because the smell had been there for quit a while, but now, the smell is completely gone! Happy!!

- Deals of the Month -

UF2000 for Pets - 1 Liter Nachfüll + 0,5 Liter
UF2000 for Pets - 1 Liter Nachfüll + 0,5 Liter
EUR 29,90
EUR 25,41
Sie sparen: 15.00%

UF2000 for Pets - 5-fach Konzentrat - 1 Liter
UF2000 for Pets - 5-fach Konzentrat - 1 Liter
EUR 49,95
EUR 44,95
Sie sparen: 10.00%

UF2000 - 1 Liter Nachfüll + 0,5 Liter
UF2000 - 1 Liter Nachfüll + 0,5 Liter
EUR 23,90
EUR 21,51
Sie sparen: 10.00%

UF2000 - 0,5 liter x 6 Sprühflasche
UF2000 - 0,5 liter x 6 Sprühflasche
EUR 59,70
EUR 50,74
Sie sparen: 15.00%

UF2000 for Pets - 0,5 liter x 6 Sprühflasche
UF2000 for Pets - 0,5 liter x 6 Sprühflasche
EUR 77,70
EUR 58,28
Sie sparen: 25.00%

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